The Doctor Is In…and she wants you to know about MENOPAUSE.
You’ve got questions. She’s got ANSWERS. You have concerns. She has ADVICE. You want the facts. She'll tell it like it is! Dr. Jennifer Ashton—“Dr. Jen”— Board-certified in OB-GYN, nutrition, and obesity medicine, she is passionate about promoting optimal health for the “whole woman.” And she is FLUENT in menopause!
In this magazine, Dr. Jen bring all of her clinical, journalistic, and personal experience to the table to address all things menopause. Inside, she offers insights and answers to your questions about when it starts and ends; why it ushers in a host of physical, mental, and emotional issues; what you can expect to experience; and how you can not just cope with symptoms, but treat and alleviate them to make this one of the fulfilling times of your life!