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Backwoods Survival Guide - Living Off The Land No. 25: 200 Tips, Gear Guide, Josh Duhamel Interview, Winter Foraging, Outdoor Cooking, Pickling, Fishing Gear, Knives, Spring Garden Plans & DIY Gifts!
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Welcome to issue No. 25! It won't be long before the temperatures start to fall and the snow begins to fly. I'll readily admit that fall is my favorite time of year and I never truly look forward to the long winter months. However, that's a great time to get caught up on your reading.
In this issue, we're covering a huge range of topics, as longtime readers would fully expect of us. Inside, you'll find information on cooking outdoors in the winter, as well as dealing with the almost inevitable slips and falls that come with icy conditions. We have a great interview with actor Josh Duhamel, in which he talks about the homestead he's built from the ground up.
We're also covering how to forage for food during this time of year, finding uses for pumpkins, pickling your fall harvest-and starting to plan for next year's garden. Remember, we have the easy job with presenting you with all of this great information. It's up to you to put it to actual use in your life. That's where the real fun begins.