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Alex Trebeck - Tribute to the Jeopardy Legend: Ontario, TV, Host, Game Show, Contestants, BTS, Wheel Of Fortune Rivalry, Pat Sajack, Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, Death, Jean Trebeck & Celebrity Tributes
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Alex Trebek - 1940-2020
A tribute to the beloved television icon, whose high place in popular culture is beyond question.
Alex Trebek knew where he wanted to be in his final moments: on the swing in the backyard of his home, which overlooks the lush green and, beyond it, the sky. Sitting there next to Jean, his wife of 30 years, he could - despite the harsh reality of stage 4 pancreatic cancer that claimed his life on Nov. 8 -continue to dream.
"In the old days, intrepid individuals would go on these voyages...that would take them away from their homelands and they would discover new things," he once mused. "Nowadays, we don't have that to the same extent, but we can certainly go on voyages of intellectual discovery. I've always taken a great deal of pleasure from learning things."