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TIME Magazine - 01.22.24 Edition: The Envoy, Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken And The Test Of American Leadership
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From U.S. political dysfunction to the axis of rogues, Ian Bremmer breaks down the world's biggest risks for 2024.
In 2023, the big stories centered on two wars in Europe (Russia vs Ukraine) and the Middle East (Israel vs Hamas). Those conflicts will expand in 2024, but it’s a third “war”—the United States versus itself—that poses the greatest global risk. And, as always, there will be new stories that deserve more attention than they’re getting.
The Top 10 Global Risks for 2024
- The United State vs itself - Middle East on the brink - Partitioned Ukraine - Ungoverned AI - Axis of rogues (and America's dangerous friends) - No China Recovery - The fight for critical minerals - No room for error - El Nino is back - Risky business